Ankle Speed Bands
Green Ankle Speed Bands. Light Resistance €14.95
Red Ankle Speed Bands. Medium Resistance €15.95
Blue Ankle Speed Bands. Strong Resistance €16.95
Discount Pack. All 3 Sets – €39.90 SAVE over 15%
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Benefits of the Ankle Speed Bands
- ✅ Ankle Speed Bands are excellent for muscle activation exercises. They help build strength in the lower body through a range of exercises.
- ✅ Our Ankle Speed Bands are of the highest quality and used by some of the fastest athletes in the world.
- ✅ They are excellent for strengthening and stabilising the muscles fibres in your hips and glutes which helps to avoid injuries.
- ✅ Muscle imbalances can be corrected with the use of Ankle Speed Bands.
- ✅ Isometric exercises are great for improving speed. This involves holding the knee up under constant tension from the bands for a period of 12-15 seconds. Holding the muscles under this constant tension activates your fast-twitch muscle fibres.
Isometic Hold Exercise