
Being able to accelerate faster, more powerfully and for longer periods of a game is a simple recipe for success on the rugby pitch. The game of rugby is one of the most demanding sports on the body and therefore all muscles must be conditioned correctly to play at the top level.
One of the most proven ways to increase your acceleration and anaerobic endurance which is short bursts of speed and power is through resistance band exercises. The high knee wall drill is an excellent exercise for increasing your speed.
Rugby Speed Training
Our Speed Bands allow for all movements, linear and lateral which are ideal for rugby. By following the exercises in the video below, the fast twitch muscle fibres in your hamstrings, quads and glutes will be activated to develop increased levels of speed and power.
Using the Speed Bands while doing ladder work and other agility drills will develop strength in your legs for that quick side-
Explosive leg power is essential for rugby, so weight exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges and cleans are a must. Speed Bands can be easily incorporated into any weight training programme. You will notice how using the bands also give the core muscles a great work-