Reaction Speed System (50% OFF) 3 Extra Products Included

✅ Discount Applied.
3 FREE products Included
You Pay: €249 
SAVE €250

1 Year Warranty

Original price was: € 499.00.Current price is: € 249.00.


NEW: Reaction Speed System 2.0

Products Included:


  1. Reaction Speed System 2.0 €499
  2. Speed Bands €34.95
  3. Blue Power Bands €12.10
  4. Green Ankle Speed Bands €14.95
  5. Access to the the member’s training area to view all Reaction Speed System 2.0 Videos.

The Colour of the Reaction Lights are Green, Blue, Red and Pink.

Regular Price: €499

You Pay: €249

SAVE: €250


1 Year Warranty. 


The Reaction Speed System 2.0 Will Train You Or Your Athletes To:


  1. React faster,
  2. Increase your mental focus.
  3. Improve hand eye and feet eye coordination.
  4. Train the neural pathways from your brain to your muscles to fire faster (This results in increased speed of movement).
  5.  Process information faster and execute the correct movement patterns under pressure.


The Reaction Speed System 2.0


  • ✅ SEE-PROCESS-REACT: The Reaction Speed System 2.0 is excellent for Neurocognitive (brain) training for reaction speed. When the eyes see a light, it instantly sends a message to the brain. The brain sends the message to the body via neural pathways on how to correctly execute the movement. By performing these cognitive drills you will improve reaction time and mental focus.


  • ✅ GET ACCESS TO 24 COGNITIVE TRAINING VIDEOS: After you invest in your athletic future (Or in the future of the athletes you train) by getting the Reaction Speed System 2.0 you get access to our membership area. You will log in with your email and password and follow the cognitive conditioning drills outlined in the videos and start training your brain and body to react faster. The tennis balls and round coloured mats are used for other cognitive dills which can be followed in the videos.


  • ✅ AGILITY SPEED TRAINING: The Reaction Speed System 2.0 trains agility speed. Agility speed is defined as “a fast whole body movement with change of speed or direction in response to a stimulus”. In all the drills outlined in the Member’s Area the lights are the stimulus that the athlete must react to. These drills will benefit you on the field/court as during games you must react to what you see happening during a match.


  • ✅ VERY EASY TO USE: In the Member’s Area we explain the set up for all reaction agility drills which are very easy to follow. In no time you will have your lights switched on and be training your brain and body to react faster. Train like a professional athlete!


  • ✅ INCREASE BRAIN SPEED: The Reaction Speed System 2.0 conditions the brain to react faster. Your eyes see the lights and you must react by putting your foot or hand over it to knock it off. Each light has a built in sensor so you can record the number of times each one is put out in a given time-frame. 


  • ✅ 1 YEAR WARRANTY: We offer a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee and a 1 Year Warranty. The Reaction Speed System 2.0 is a unique wireless reaction training system comprised of 4 RGB LED lights that have a built in sensor. The High-Performance Lithium Battery is rechargeable and the lights last for 12 hours of use on a single charge.