Customer Reviews
Speed bands great for a GLUTE workout @InstantSpeed_ #speedbands #fitness #glutes
— Darragh Bolton (@BoltonphysioSC) March 13, 2015
@InstantSpeed_ first workout done with bands. Tough session. Bands are some job
— Eric Kirwan (@EricKirwanTipp) November 28, 2013
Did a session with @InstantSpeed_ Bands today, they're a great piece of kit, highly recommend them #glutesonfire
— Stephen Mc Ginn (@StephenMcGinn2) August 12, 2013
"@John_Kavanagh: 3 gorillas @TheNotoriousMMA @sbgipdx" 3 Gorrilla's working Glute's haha! Another day at SBG Concorde
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) February 5, 2014
First workout done with @InstantSpeed_ bands legs feel feather weight when you take the bands off! #greatjob
— Supreme Stadium (@supremestadium) December 22, 2013
Thanks to @InstantSpeed_ for the speed bands. A few sessions done and would highly recommend them! #GetTheEdge
— David Walsh (@David_WalshDW) October 16, 2012
Anyone trying to work on and improve their speed check out @InstantSpeed_ Great product, with great results! #speed
— connor mcaliskey (@connormca) June 24, 2014
Just used @InstantSpeed_ bands, highly recommended #speed #pace
— Tomas O Connor (@tomasoconnor86) May 9, 2013
Speed bands have arrived. Cheers @InstantSpeed_ #SpeedTraining
— Robbie Henshaw (@henshawrob) August 23, 2014
Training today with @InstantSpeed_ bands was great . They are unreal. Same again tomorrow! #GAA
— Gary Byrne (@garybyrne5) February 24, 2015
— ruaidhri jacob (@ruaidhri_jacob) January 20, 2015
1st right session 2day using @InstantSpeed_ will be doing them more often
— Gerard Haran (@gerard_haran) March 23, 2013
@InstantSpeed_ cheers for the quick delivery of the speed bands.. Serious job. #glutesonfire
— Darren Kelly (@kelloggs10) June 14, 2013
Thanks to @instantspeed_ for my speed bands! Looking forward to using them, hopefully I'll be able to catch @AaronKernan and @Darransull86 !
— Emmet Bolton (@EmmetBolton) October 10, 2012
Just uses the @InstantSpeed_ bands for the first time, they are savage! legs are in a heap! Would recommend to everyone involved in GAA
— Beans (@EoinHoward1) January 6, 2014
@InstantSpeed_ are amazing, we combined them with an ultra resistance band and did some hill sprints yesterday.
— Functional Sports (@FSperformHTX) October 11, 2014
Thanks @InstantSpeed_ for the excellent customer service and fast delivery of your products. Highly recommended
— Matty (@matt_h4) February 10, 2015
Nice quick delivery,can’t wait to get going @InstantSpeed_ #cheers
— Liam Callaghan (@Cal_777) February 25, 2013
Nothing like a session with @InstantSpeed_ speed bands.Would recommend any field athlete to buy a pair. #somejob #pace #roadrunner #meepmeep
— Chris Kerr (@Kerrso86) January 21, 2013
@InstantSpeed_ just used the bands for the 1st time. Highly recommend them #legslikejelly
— Johnny McMahon (@johnnymc103) January 8, 2013
First proper session with the speed bands from @InstantSpeed_ earlier today. Great product, highly recommend them!
— James Dwyer (@JDFly94) December 25, 2012
@mjbdouglas they’re speed and power bands from @InstantSpeed_ , there very good and at a cheap price. There videos on their website.
— sean mc veigh (@mcveigh_sean) October 16, 2012
Thanks to @InstantSpeed_ for the speedbands, first session done & dusted with tonight, looking forward to using them again #explosivepower
— Kieran O’Leary (@KieranOLeary87) October 15, 2012
Bucs DT David Hunter working on resisted starts w/ @InstantSpeed_ speed bands. #explosive #powerful #speed
— Functional Sports (@FSperformHTX) July 2, 2014
Interested in speed, fitness, injury prevention… Checkout out @InstantSpeed_ to order the perfect Christmas present.#Glutes
— Aaron Kernan (@AaronKernan) November 18, 2013
First session done with speed bands, deadly bit of gear, cheers @InstantSpeed_
— Stephen McAneney (@official_smakks) December 15, 2013
@InstantSpeed_ looking forward to try these out ! Such quick delivery thanks !
— John O’ Riordan (@Jay_LAD_) January 8, 2014
@AaronKernan @TheNotoriousMMA @InstantSpeed_ Instant speed bands are a great product
— Gerry Nolan (@Gerardnolan) March 13, 2014
Many thanks to @InstantSpeed_ for the piece of kit. Great for developing speed, agility, power, and acceleration
— Kevin Reilly (@kevreilly1) March 24, 2014
Great session with @InstantSpeed_ speed bands today.. Helping our players move more efficiently. Great training aid. Highly recommend
— Kevin O’Brien (@obrienk7) March 27, 2014
Thanks @InstantSpeed_ for the bands. Great for developing speed, power, and acceleration. Brought her for a spin 2day
— Bryan Menton (@B_Mento_91) April 10, 2014
Great 1st session with @InstantSpeed_ bands – tired legs but looking forward to using them again!
— Simon Lambert (@SLambert14) June 19, 2014
Just after my first session with my new @InstantSpeed_ bands and man am I tired and sore! #instantspeed #ThumbsUp
— Ryan O’ Keefe (@thewaggacious) July 7, 2014
Big thanks to @InstantSpeed_ for my new speed bands, can’t wait to try them out! #FuckinNeeeoooowwwwmmmm
— Darran O’Sullivan (@Darransull86) October 15, 2012
Thanks to @InstantSpeed_ for the speed bands. A few sessions done and would highly recommend them! #GetTheEdge
— David Walsh (@David_WalshDW) October 16, 2012
@InstantSpeed_ .. Just did my first workout with the speed bands savage investment #Unreal #unbelievablejeff
— Alan Slevin (@AlSlev3) November 14, 2013
@InstantSpeed_ My bands arrived today, great product, great service. Time to Beast It. 
— David Graham (@Dave_GBC) October 24, 2014
Big thanks to @InstantSpeed_ for the bands,big benefits in terms of speed training and well worth a purchase!
— Alan Cronin (@AlanCroninjnr) July 23, 2014
Just finished a good speed session with these @InstantSpeed_ #greatproduct #letsgetfast #speed #power
— Denis Fogarty (@denisfogs) July 30, 2014